

Jobs Opportunities
Call is open for the award of one (1) Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of the project PRR TEC4GREEN – 02/C05-i01.01/2022.PC644948561-00000052 – Agenda Mobilizadora Verde Tec4Green, funded by the PRR – Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by master students or by bachelor degree holders enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree in a higher education institution
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of the DS4Health – 101083563 – Digital skills for Healthcare Transformation project, funded by the EU Comission, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Grant under the project “Fully Oxide-based Zero-Emission and Portable Energy Supply” (FOXES, Grant Agreement 951774) funded by the H2020 Programme from the European Commission, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by master students or by bachelor degree holders enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree in a higher education institution
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Researcher, in the form of an Unfixed-Term Contract and in exclusivity under the Research Project “Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure” (EMERGE, GA 101008701) funded by the H2020 Programme from the European Commission and under the scientific coordination of Professor Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva Martins, PhD.
UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call to hire a Researcher, in the form of an Unfixed-Term Contract and in exclusivity under the Research Project “Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure” (EMERGE, GA 101008701) funded by the H2020 Programme from the European Commission and under the scientific coordination of Professor Rodrigo Ferrão de Paiva Martins, PhD.
Call is open for the award of 1 (one) Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA - Institute for the Development of New Technologies within the scope of the ATLAS – INTRALOGIC – Sistema de Produção Intralogístico Flexível e Fornecimento de Protótipos, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call is for 1 Research Fellowship at UNINOVA within the scope of the Herit4Ages project funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call open for 1 Research Grant under the project “Fully Oxide-based Zero-Emission and Portable Energy Supply”funded by the H2020 Programme,for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call open for award 1 Research Grant under the project“Fully Oxide-based Zero-Emission and Portable Energy Supply”funded by the H2020 Programme ,for development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree
Call is open for the award of 3 Research Fellowship (BI) at UNINOVA within the scope of the project PRR TEC4GREEN, funded by the PRR, for the development of R&D activities to be carried out by doctoral students or by graduates and masters enrolled in courses not leading to an academic degree


