How to adapt distribution electrical grid to climate change

"The existence of increasingly extreme and more frequent climatic events has placed increased pressure on electricity grids, requiring better management, but also more investments which, as they are paid for by all consumers, need to be approved by the regulator and the Government. To discuss this topic, E-Redes - which manages the grids that bring electricity to our homes, stores or restaurants - organized a debate attended by Júlia Seixas, Pro-rector with coordination of the sustainability area and Full Professor at NOVA University; Andrea Staid, from EPRI (an independent energy studies organization); Pedro Matos Soares, Professor at the University of Sciences and main researcher at Instituto Dom Luís (IDL); Luís Manuel Alves, Director of planning at E-Redes; Carlos Del Rio, from the climate change department of EDP Spain; Manuela Seixas Fonseca, from the Energy Planning and Statistics Services department of the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG); João Martins, Full Professor at NOVA FCT; Ferrari Careto, president of E-Redes and João Brito Martins, member of the Executive Board of E-Redes. " (complete news here)